Ways to Worship

No in-person worship at this time
We sincerely appreciate your patience at this time and hope you have been enjoying services from home. The Omicron spike has finally started to show a steady decline and we are trusting that this trend will continue. At this time, we are watching the numbers and, although we don't have a date just yet, we are anticipating that in-person services will be returning within the next few weeks!
We will, of course, continue online worship and coffee hour, as we are in community together no matter how we worship. We wish you joy and good health as we continue to navigate changes and challenges. Further updates about in-person worship will be coming soon. Please feel free to contact Wendy Karn by email if you have any questions.
With gratitude,
Your Covid Safety Task Force
You are invited to enjoy the service via Zoom. Being in the Zoom room will allow you to share your joy or sorrow on camera during the service, if you wish, as well as see some friendly faces of your UUCF family. You can keep your camera off if you prefer not to be seen. After the service, feel free to stay to enjoy the Coffee Hour immediately following the service. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89901398987.
You can phone in to hear the service by calling
1-669-900-6833 five minutes before the service.
the Meeting ID is: 899 0139 8987; no passcode is required. No Zoom or Facebook account needed.

The usual direct link to the Facebook live feed for the service will be at the top of our UUCF website homepage uufullerton.org at 11:15am.
You can phone in to hear the service by calling
1-669-900-6833 five minutes before the service.
the Meeting ID is: 899 0139 8987; no passcode is required. No Zoom or Facebook account needed.
Watch it Later
Missed the service or want to see it again? Use the Facebook link at the top of our UUCF website to access the recording until the following Sunday. Or go to facebook.com/uufullerton/videos to access all the recordings.
The usual direct link to the Facebook live feed for the service will be at the top of our UUCF website homepage uufullerton.org at 11:15am.
You can phone in to hear the service by calling
1-669-900-6833 five minutes before the service.
the Meeting ID is: 899 0139 8987; no passcode is required. No Zoom or Facebook account needed.
Watch it Later
Missed the service or want to see it again? Use the Facebook link at the top of our UUCF website to access the recording until the following Sunday. Or go to facebook.com/uufullerton/videos to access all the recordings.